The Criteria for Performance Excellence can be used as a tool to evaluate an organization's PROCESSES (categories 1-6) and its PERFORMANCE (category 7) relative to the following seven Categories:

1 Leadership
2 Strategic Planning
3 Customer and Market Focus
4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management
5 Human Resource Focus
6 Process Management
7 Business Results

For a customized feedback report based upon your completed Quick Check...

Any visitor to this site can use the Quick Check to enhance their understanding of the Criteria requirements, the evaluation process, and the stages in the journey to excellence. For those who wish to use this Quick Check for self-assessment, Kilbride will prepare a customized feedback report of Strengths and Areas for Improvement relative to the key requirements of the 2003 Criteria for Performance Excellence. This service is available to organizations who:

  • contact
    and arrange payment/terms, then
  • return to this site,
  • complete the contact information form below,
  • complete the Quick Check self-assessment, and
  • submit your responses.

Each organization who utilizes this service will submit just one Quick Check. You may choose to have one individual complete the assessment, or you may review the questions with multiple individuals and use their input to prepare a single submission. Your self-assessment will be reviewed by Kilbride and used to prepare a customized feedback report for your organization. Kilbride is also available to work with key individuals or teams in your organization to review the feedback, prioritize gaps, and develop improvement plans.

Please Provide the Following When Completing Your Quick Check

Individual who will serve as key contact between your organization and Kilbride.

Your Name



Mailing Address


Email address


Select the sector that best describes your organization:







Briefly describe your organization's main products/services, key customer groups, # and types of employees, location(s), size, and strategic challenges.

Directions for Completing the Quick Check

Read each question. Review the possible responses, beginning with the response on the left (e.g., We do not do this yet). Work to the right, and read each response until you find the one that most accurately describes the current approach in your organization. When you read a response that does not feel completely "true" for your organization, go back and select the previous response. It is possible that none of the responses will exactly describe your organization, so select the response that comes closest to describing the CURRENT state of your organization.

Indicate your response by clicking on the appropriate radio button. None of your responses are "final" until you click the Submit button at the end of this survey. Completing the Quick Check should take approximately 30 minutes.

Quick Check for Category 1

Questions 1-4 cover Category 1 of the 2003 Criteria, and are used to evaluate the PROCESSES of your Senior Leaders that are essential to becoming a high-performance organization. (The term "Senior Leaders" should be interpreted as the highest ranking member of your organization and all of his/her direct reports.) Questions 1-4 ask you to evaluate whether the leadership processes of your organization are:

  • Systematic--Do senior leaders use defined and repeatable processes, versus each individual performing random activities?
  • Deployed--Do all of the senior leaders participate in these processes?
    How frequently and consistently are these processes used by senior leaders?
  • Continuously improved--Are data and information used to evaluate and improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of each leadership process?

Evaluate the approaches used by your Senior Leaders for:

1. Communication
How do senior leaders set and communicate the organization's values, direction, and performance expectations?

We do not do this yet.

A few leaders occasionally perform related activities, but no defined process for this purpose.

Some leaders have begun to use a defined process for this.

Many leaders consistently use an effective process for this.

Most leaders regularly use a systematic approach that includes a check of process effectiveness, with some improvements made to this process.

All leaders utilize a systematic, fact-based approach, with data used to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

2. Organizational Review
How do senior leaders review the key measures of organizational performance and progress relative to plans?

We do not do this yet.

A few leaders occasionally perform related activities, but no defined process for this purpose.

Some leaders have begun to use a defined process for this.

Many leaders consistently use an effective process for this.

Most leaders regularly use a systematic approach that includes a check of process effectiveness, with some improvements made to this process.

All leaders utilize a systematic, fact-based approach, with data used to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

3. Governance
How do senior leaders ensure fiscal and management accountability, and the protection of stockholder and stakeholder interests?

We do not do this yet.

A few leaders occasionally perform related activities, but no defined process for this purpose.

Some leaders have begun to use a defined process for this.

Many leaders consistently use an effective process for this.

Most leaders regularly use a systematic approach that includes a check of process effectiveness, with some improvements made to this process.

All leaders utilize a systematic, fact-based approach, with data used to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

4. Social Responsibility
How do senior leaders address their responsibilities to the public, ensure ethical behavior, and support the key communities where the organization operates?

We do not do this yet.

A few leaders occasionally perform related activities, but no defined process for this purpose.

Some leaders have begun to use a defined process for this.

Many leaders consistently use an effective process for this.

Most leaders regularly use a systematic approach that includes a check of process effectiveness, with some improvements made to this process.

All leaders utilize a systematic, fact-based approach, with data used to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

Quick Check for Categories 2-6

Questions 5-17 cover Categories 2-6 of the Criteria, and are used to evaluate many of the PROCESSES that are essential to becoming a high-performance organization. These questions ask you to evaluate whether the approaches used in your organization for a variety of purposes are:

  • Systematic--Are processes defined and repeatable, versus random activities accomplished through individual efforts?
  • Deployed--Does everyone use this process who should be doing so?
    Is the process used in a consistent manner throughout the organization?
  • Continuously improved--Are data and information used to evaluate and improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of this process over time?

Evaluate the approaches used by your organization for:

5. Strategic Planning
how do you develop strategies and measurable objectives to enhance the competitive position, overall performance, and future success of the organization as a whole?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

6. Action Planning
how do you convert the overall strategies and objectives into clear action plans, milestones and measures that align performance at all levels of the organization?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

7. Market Planning
how do you identify market segments or target customer groups, and determine the key requirements of each group?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

8. Customer Relationship Management
how do you build relationships with customers by making it easy for them to seek assistance or information, conduct business, and resolve complaints?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

9. Customer Satisfaction Measurement
how do you measure the satisfaction of customers and use this data to improve?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

10. Balanced Scorecard
how do you select the key indicators of organizational performance, and gather/analyze/use this data to assess and improve performance?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

11. Organizational Design
how do you organize work and jobs in order to promote your culture and enable high performance?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

12. Human Resource Development
how do you hire, train, manage, and compensate employees to achieve high performance?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

13. Health, Safety & Ergonomics
how do you measure and improve the health, safety, and ergonomics (HSE) of your workplace, and ensure preparedness for emergencies or disasters?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

14. Employee Satisfaction Measurement
how do you measure the satisfaction of employees and use this data to improve the work environment and employee support climate?

We do not do this yet.


Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

15. New Product/Service Development
how do you design and introduce new products, services, and processes?

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

16. Production & Delivery
how do you manage the day-to-day operations of your key production and delivery systems for creating customer value? (such as order fulfillment, manufacturing, or distribution)

We do not do this yet.


Some related activities, but no defined processes

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.


Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

17. Support Functions
how do you design and manage the day-to-day operations of your key support systems or functions? (such as R&D, IT, supply chain management, accounting, facilities management, etc.)

We do not do this yet.

Some related activities, but no defined process for this.

Basic process is defined and being used by some of the org.

Effective process is consistently used by most of the org.

Systematic approach is fully deployed, includes check of process effectiveness, and some improvements have been made in this process.

Fact-based approach uses data to continuously evaluate and improve this process.

Quick Check for Category 7

Questions 18-26 cover Category 7 of the 2003 Criteria, and are used to evaluate the availability of data, and the level of performance achieved in those key RESULT areas that define high performance. These questions ask you to evaluate whether you have:

  • Data?--Are actual data available for key result areas?
  • Good performance?--Do the data demonstrate that current performance is good?
    Do trends demonstrate that results are improving over time?
  • Comparisons?--Are appropriate comparisons available for key results to demonstrate performance relative to competitors or benchmarks?


Evaluate the extent to which you have actual data (charts and graphs) for key result areas, and the performance level indicated by these data for each of the following:

18. Product/Service Quality
(data for the quality and/or performance of your products and services).

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

19. Customer Satisfaction
(data from processes in question 9)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

20. Financial Performance
(such as profit, liquidity, return on investment, margins, etc.)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

21. Marketplace Performance
(such as market share, business growth, etc.)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

22. Employee Satisfaction
(data from processes in question #14)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

23. Employee Health & Safety
(data from processes in question #13)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

24. Key Processes or Operations
(data from processes in questions #15-17)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

25. Accomplishment of Strategy
(data for achievement of objectives and plans identified by processes in questions #5-6)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

26. Governance, Social Responsibility and Citizenship
(data for fiscal accountability, ethical behavior, regulatory/legal compliance, social responsibility, and community support processes in questions #3-4)

No actual data for these areas yet

Data for a FEW key results in this area

Data for SOME key results
Data indicates current performance is GOOD

Data for MANY key results
SOME TREND DATA demonstrates improvement over time

Data for MOST key results
MANY trends are positive
---Comparisons available for a FEW key areas

Data for ALL key results
ALL trends are positive
Comparisons available for SOME key areas

Completing the Quick Check

Click the Submit button below to send your self-assessment input to Kilbride Consulting, Inc. Before you do, make sure you have completed all 26 questions and provided the contact information at the beginning of the Quick Check. After you submit, your responses will be reviewed by Kilbride and used to provide you with a customized feedback report that describes your organization's Strengths and Areas for Improvement relative to the key requirements of the Criteria for Performance Excellence. Thanks for using the Quick Check and good luck on your journey to excellence.


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